  • Create Account

Create Account

Welcome to FITI Testing & Research Institute.

Those who log in for the first time, please register as an individual member first.

Application process for membership differs by member type.

  • STEP01Identification
  • STEP02Checking duplicate account and Terms of agreement
  • STEP03Registering member information
  • STEP04Completing registration

Checking duplicate accountTo verify your identification, please enter your name and email then click on ‘Yes’ button.


회사명, 이메일 입력

Enter your BRN i.e.) 123-45-67890

Terms of agreement You must agree to the terms to begin your subscription

Terms and conditions

It is free to subscribe to FITI Testing & Research Institute. It is highly recommended as it gives proper access to community related services provided by FITI Testing & Research Institute. Please make sure you carefully read the following terms and conditions and fully understand them.

[Chapter 1 General]

Article 1 Purpose
These terms and conditions are created to achieve terms and conditions set by the Telecommunications Business Act and its regulations for using all the services and the conditions provided by “FITI Testing & Research Institute Website (referred as ‘the Website’ hereafter)”.
Article 2 Effectiveness of the terms and amendments
(1) This terms and conditions shall be effective once they are posted to the users.
(2) Researchers may make amendments to the terms and conditions if necessary, and the amended terms and conditions shall be effective by the steps stated above.
Article 3 Terms and conditions not specified in here
In case when other conditions are restricted by other regulations, such cases shall be applied by the terms and conditions stated as such.

[Chapter 2 Subscription and service uses]

Article 1 Forming of service using contract
(1) The contract is formed by approval of users’ application by researchers and the agreement of users for the terms and conditions.
(2) The applicants for service must provide their personal information to researchers
(3) Once researchers approve the applicants’ subscriptions, the researchers request the applicants for required information such as users IDs and others.
(4) The researchers may not approve applications if they meet one of the following conditions
  1. A. When the applicant used the personal information of others
  2. B. When the applicant did not use applicant’s real name
  3. C. When the false information was provided by applicant
  4. D. When the application was made for ill purpose
Article 2 Service Use and limitations
(1) Services is basically available 24/7 throughout the year unless notified by researchers due to business or technical difficulties.
(2) For system maintenance, the service time may be restricted after notifying the members.
Article 3 Preventing misuse of social security numbers
Misconduct actions such as misusing someone else’s social security number to open an account, posting illegal contents such as commercial ads and replicate articles shall be penalized as stated in Social Registration Act article 21, clause 2.9., ‘those who misused other(‘s) social security number(s) for purpose of taking advantages in material and/or property shall be punished either up to 3 years imprisonment or up to fine of KRW 10,000,000.’

[Chapter 3 Obligations]

Article 1 Obligation of researchers
(1) As long as there is no special obstacles, researchers must let members use the services from the date the services to be provided
(2) Researchers are obligated to continue providing services to members in a stable fashion set by this agreement.
(3) Researchers must accomodate with the opinions from members by taking proper steps and notify the members about the process
(4) Researchers must keep members’ information highly confidential and use it only to run and/or improve the services.
Article 2 Obligation of members
(1) Each member is solely responsible for managing his/her own ID and PWDs.
(2) Each member agrees on receiving emails from the Website including advertisement information as a part of the services.
(3) In case when a member’s ID is misused, the member must report to FITI Testing @ Research Institute
(4) All members must follow the terms and conditions specified in this agreement and other related regulations

[Chapter 4 Termination of the agreement and limitations on using services]

Article 1 Termination of the agreement and limitations on using
(1) Researchers may either terminate or suspend services without notifying the member when the member committed one of the followings:
  1. A.Member’s action is against public order and/or good and laudable customs
  2. B.When the member is involved in a criminal activity
  3. C.When the member either planned and/or executed against national and/or social benefit using the services
  4. D.When the member used other person’s ID and/or PWD illegally
  5. E.When the member damaged other person’s reputation and/or inflicted a disadvantage
  6. F.When the same member subscribed with different ID’s
  7. G.When the member causes damages to the services
  8. H.When the member committed an action against the conditions set by FITI or by other regulations
Article 2 Steps to undo limitation on using
(1) When a researcher sets a limitation on using the services for a member, the researcher shall notify the member with information including the reason, activation date, duration of the suspension via writing, phone or other methods.
(2) Suspension may be done without notifying the member in case the researcher acknowledges suspension must be done immediately.
(3) Suspended member or his/her representative whose may claim a formal objection by the regulation in chapter 4 article 2.1.
(4) The researcher must immediately cancel the suspension once the submitted claim for suspension is approved
Article 3 Content Management by members
A researcher may delete the materials posted by a member without notice if the researcher determines that the material is found to be one of the followings:
(1) If the material is found to be harmful to reputation of an individual and/or a group of individuals due to its inappropriate contents
(2) If the material is against public order and/or good and laudable customs
(3) If the contents of the material is found to be a part of a criminal activity
(4) If the content of the material breaches other rights such as copyright regulations
(5) If the content of the material is against regulations set by FITI and/or other related regulations

Agreement on collecting/using of personal information

1. Purpose of collecting/using personal information
FITI Testing & Research Institute utilizes collected personal information for following purposes:
  1. 1) Calculating fees for proceeding contract terms for test/inspection and providing services
    1. - For providing information such as application for FITI test/inspection, adjustment, result delivery, member subscription, FAQ for services and its related procedures, informational provisions via SMS and FAX and so on
    2. - For fee payment and calculation such as paying fees, issuing invoices, applying for electronic tax invoice, collecting fee and so on
  2. 2) For personal identifications, prevention of unauthorized use, confirmation on subscription, limitations on subscription, the number of subscription, age verification, customer services, notification and so on
  3. 3) For marketing advertisement
    • FITI news and new business opportunities, service provision and advertisement posts by demographics, verification of visit frequencies, statistics on service usage by the members, commercial information on events and survey, and so on
2. Fields of personal information to be collected
1) Items to be collected – Name of applicant, phone number, Fax number, address, email address, member ID, PWD and so on
  • - Name of applicant, phone number, Fax number, address, email address, member ID, PWD and so on
  • - Name of the legal representative, phone number, FAX number, address and so on
  • - Name of the fee payer, postal address for issuing invoices, phone number, FAX number, email address and so on
  • - Information created from using the services: service usage record, visit log, cookie, visiting IP information, payment history and so on
3. Holding and using time of personal information
FITI Testing & Research Institute shall immediately discard the information after completion of collection and accomplishing its purpose of utilizing such information.
4. Users’ right to refuse to agree on collecting personal information and related consequences
Users have the right to refuse such collection activity but there will be some limitations on using the services.
